‘Italy's oldest dairy company’: that's how Brazzale describes itself, founded in 1784 and still going strong after eight generations.
But a lot has changed in two and a half centuries... From the Asiago plateau and the Venetian plain, Brazzale has developed its business considerably, and now employs over 700 people at six production sites in Italy, of course, but also in the Czech Republic, Brazil and even China!

Brazzale is familiar with its classics
The Gran Moravia at the top
But the uncontested brand star is Gran Moravia. Made from the milk of cows that benefit from the inexhaustible and generous greenery of Moravia (Czech Republic), this pressed cooked cheese is an interesting alternative to its Parmesan cousin, with a richer, more melting and less salty mouthfeel. Brazzale is also promoting this cheese, which is still relatively unknown in France, thanks to a guaranteed eco-sustainable production chain.
‘The large allocation of land allows farmers to feed cows with fodder grown directly on their own ground. The count of nitrate per hectare is several times lower than the limits that EU has set to protect groundwater. The cattle lives in an environment that has the highest standard of ethics and animal welfare. The natural rainfall of the region allows the farms to not using artificial irrigation causing a great saving in terms of sweet water and fuel, avoiding fodder contamination,’ explains Brazzale, whose Gran Moravia is an eco-responsible cheese, and all the measures taken to make it so can be viewed on this page.